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Breaking down the minimal changes at the Atlanta Falcons safety position

Safety was one of those best of times, worst of times positions for the Atlanta Falcons in 2023. When things were going well—90% of Jessie Bates’ games, early encouraging efforts from Richie Grant, DeMarcco Hellams seizing a role—safety was undoubtedly a strength for the defense. When they weren’t—rare Bates lapses, Grant’s coverage woes, Hellams looking like the rookie he was—it was a problem.

Given that, I was very interested to see what a coaching staff heavy on defensive backs coaches would do with safety beyond thank their lucky stars that Bates is playing in Atlanta. Interestingly enough, we’re now in mid-May and the team has made very few changes to the safety depth chart, potentially indicating a high level of comfort with at least the top three-to-four options they have today.